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发布时间:2021-07-09 编辑:







祝元丽(1993-),管理学博士,讲师,硕士生导师,江苏省“双创博士”。吉林大学本硕博,20217月入职中国矿业大学公共管理学院土地资源管理系。主要研究方向为耕地退化与黑土保护。已发表论文二十余篇,其中以第一作者在CatenaJournal of Soils and Sediments以及农业工程学报等期刊发表学术论文7篇,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,参与国家级课题4项。






[1] 国家自然科学基金项目(42201271):东北漫川漫岗区稳定耕地土壤可蚀性空间分异机制研究——以长春市九台区为例(2023-2025),在研,主持

[2] 吉林省自然科学二等奖:黑土区耕地质量退化的多动力过程及作用机制研究(2023年度),3/5

[3] 国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目):黑土区城郊耕地质量空间分异机制及其差别化用-养保护分区研究:以长春市为例 2021-2024),在研,主要参与

[4] 国家自然科学基金项目(青年基金项目):基于高光谱的土壤团聚体稳定性时空变化特征分析及其对土壤侵蚀模拟的影响(2019-2021),结题,课题骨干

[5] 国家自然科学基金项目(青年基金项目):黑土城乡交错区土地利用变化的耕地功能识别—基于土壤地球化学视角 2021-2023),结题,参与

[6] 吉林省自然科学基金项目(吉林省科技厅项目):城乡交错区黑土重金属地球化学特征及耕地利用空间风险研究(2017-2019),结题,课题骨干

[7] 吉林省科技发展计划(吉林省科技厅项目):黑土区土壤侵蚀对土壤有机碳迁移和转化机制的影响规律研究(2019-2020),结题,课题骨干

[8] “十三五”科学技术项目(吉林省教育厅):东北黑土区典型坡耕地土壤有机碳迁移、转化机制及固碳潜力研究(2019-2020),结题,课题骨干


l Zhu Yuanli, Wang Dongyan, Li Wenbo, Yang Yuewen, Shi Pu*, 2019, Spatial distribution of soil trace element concentrations along an urban-rural transition zone in the black soil region of northeastern China. Journal of soils and sediments 19(7): 2946-2956.

l Zhu Yuanli, Wang Dongyan, Wang Xingjia, Li Wenbo, Shi Pu*, 2021, Aggregate-associated soil organic carbon dynamics as affected by erosion and deposition along contrasting hillslopes in the Chinese Corn Belt. Catena 199:105106.

l 祝元丽,王冬艳,张鹤,石璞*2020采用无人机载高分辨率光谱仪反演土壤有机碳含量. 农业工程学报 37(6):66-72. (EI, IF: 3.203);

l 祝元丽冯向阳(本科生),闫庆武,吴子豪*2024基于GBDT的望奎县农田土壤有机碳主控因子研究.中国环境科学 44(3)1407~1417.

l Zhu Yuanli, Liu Bo(本科生), Jin Gui, Wu Zihao*, Wang Dongyan , 2024. Identifying the Local Influencing Factors of Arsenic Concentration in Suburban Soil: A Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression Approach. Toxics 12,229.

l Zhu Yuanli*,Li Wenbo, Wang Dongyan,Wu Zihao, Shang Peng, 2022, Spatial Pattern of Soil Erosion in Relation to Land Use Change in a Rolling Hilly Region of Northeast China. Land 11, 1253.

l Yan Zhuoran, Wang Dongyan, Li Wenbo, Tong Zhaomin, Zhu Yuanli, Shen Feng, 2024,  Treat and halt: Occurrence of spatially heterogeneous cropland degradation in the peri-urban area. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 104, 107366.

l 李文博,闫卓冉,祝元丽. 2023, 黑土区城郊耕地重金属污染空间扩散机制. 环境科学4410:5679-5688.

l 胡冰清,李文博,祝元丽, 2024, 基于多退耕情景的吉林省中部黑土区固碳潜力与增汇格局研究.水土保持研究 31(3).

l 李文博,闫卓冉,张英男,祝元丽,刘蜀涵,李冬梅, 2023, 食物系统韧性视角下的城市区域耕地利用再地化转型. 中国土地科学 37(11).

l Chen Shuocun, ZhangYingnan, Zhu Yuanli, Ma Li, Zhao Jinghui. 2023, The battle of crops: unveiling the shift from grain to non-grain use of farmland in China?, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability,21:1, 2262752.

l Li Wenbo, Li Han, Yan Zhuoran, Hu Bingqing, Zhu Yuanli, Yang Yuewen, Wang Dongyan, 2023. Regeneration patterns and drivers of different underutilized lands in the rust belt city of developing country: An empirical case study for Northeast China. Journal of Geographical Sciences 33(7): 1377-1396.

l Wu Zihao, Chen Yiyun, Yang Zhen, LiuYaolin, Zhu Yuanli, Tong Zhaomin, An Rui, 2023. Spatial distribution of lead concentration in peri-urban soil: Threshold and interaction effects of environmental variables. Geoderma 429, 116193.

l Mi Jiaxin, Hou Huping*, ZhangShaoliang, Hua Yifei, Yang Yongjun, Zhu Yuanli, Ding Zhongyi, 2023. Detecting long-term effects of mining-induced ground deformation on plant succession in semi-arid areas using a cellular automata model. Ecological Indicators151, 110290.

l Li Wenbo, Wang Dongyan, Li Yuefen, Zhu Yuanli, Wang Jingying, Ma Jiamin, 2020, A multi-faceted, location-specific assessment of land degradation threats to peri-urban agriculture at a traditional grain base in northeastern China. Journal of environmental management 271: 111000.

l Ma Li, Zhang Yingnan*, Chen Shuocun, Yu Li, Zhu Yuanli. 2022. Environmental effects and their causes of agricultural production: Evidence from the farming regions of China. Ecological Indicators 144, 109549.

l Wu Zihao, Chen Yiyun* ,Yang Zhen, Zhu Yuanli, Yiran Han, 2022, Mapping Soil Organic Carbon in Low-Relief Farmlands Based on Stratified Heterogeneous Relationship. Remote Sensing 14, 3575.

l Li Wenbo, Wang Dongyan, Liu Shuhan, Zhu Yuanli, Yan Zhuoran, 2020, Reclamation of Cultivated Land Reserves in Northeast China: Indigenous Ecological Insecurity Underlying National Food Security. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

l Li Wenbo, Wang Dongyan, Liu Shuhan, Zhu Yuanli, 2019, Measuring urbanization-occupation and internal conversion of peri-urban cultivated land to determine changes in the peri-urban agriculture of the black soil region. Ecological indicators.

l Li Wenbo, Wang Dongyan, Li Hong, Wang Jianguo, Zhu Yuanli, Yang Yuewen, 2019, Quantifying the spatial arrangement of underutilized land in a rapidly urbanized rust belt city: The case of Changchun City. Land use policy.

l Li Wenbo, Wang Dongyan, Wang Qing, Liu Shuhan, ZhuYuanli, Wu wenjun, 2017, Impacts from Land Use Pattern on Spatial Distribution of Cultivated Soil Heavy Metal Pollution in Typical Rural-Urban Fringe of Northeast China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

l Yu Dan, Wang Dongyan, Li Wenbo, Liu Shuhan, Zhu Yuanli, Wu Wenjun, Zhou Yongheng, 2017, Decreased Landscape Ecological Security of Peri-Urban Cultivated Land Following Rapid Urbanization: An Impediment to Sustainable Agriculture. Sustainability.

l Liu Shuhan, Wang Dongyan, Li Hong, Li Wenbo, Wu Wenjun, Zhu Yuanli, 2017, The Ecological Security Pattern and Its Constraint on Urban Expansion of a Black Soil Farming Area in Northeast China. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information.