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发布时间:2020-11-16 编辑:

Course Number:M11302

Class Hours :32    Credit:2

Psychology is a general required course, which is suitable for all majors in the University. Psychology is a science that studies the psychological phenomena and laws of human beings. The course has completed SPOC for students to learn online. This course will systematically describe the basic theory of general psychology, including the knowledge of psychology, cognitive psychological process and its law, emotional psychological process and its law, will psychological process and its law, personality psychology and its law, characteristics of college students' psychological activities and its cultivation. Through the study of this course, students can understand the discipline knowledge of psychology, understand and master the occurrence and development law of individual cognition, emotion and will, accurately master their own personality, and make full use of psychological theory to improve their learning efficiency, improve interpersonal relationship, perfect their personality, and improve their quality of life and mental health level.

I. Curriculum Objectives

General Teaching Objective:

This course aims to reflect the latest progress and practical exploration in the field of psychology in China by taking the course content system as the teaching syllabus, combining with the latest achievements and frontier viewpoints in psychological research at home and abroad. Through the study of this course, students can understand the research object of psychology, the basic conditions of psychological occurrence, the discipline development history of psychology and the research tasks of psychology, and understand and master the cognitive psychological law, emotional psychological law and individual psychological law of psychology; in the process of teaching and learning, we should make full use of SPOC resources to organize flipped classroom thematic discussion, guide students to use cognitive, emotional, personality and other psychological laws to improve learning ability, learning efficiency and creativity; promote students to master more emotion regulation methods, relieve negative emotions and improve stress coping ability; better understand themselves, according to their interests, needs and abilities Long term planning for the future; better understanding of others in order to get along with others, better adapt to society, and lay a solid psychological foundation for becoming a healthy and qualified social person.

Sub-objectives of Teaching:

Teaching Objective 1:

Self psychological growth objectives. Psychology not only pays attention to the individual's psychological activities and life, but also pays attention to the spiritual communication between people. Through the study of this course, college students can master certain psychological knowledge, adjust their psychological state, enhance the ability to analyze and solve psychological problems, so as to better adapt to the society and establish a harmonious interpersonal relationship. At the same time, the study of psychology is also a process of self- perception and self-improvement. (Support the graduation requirements of this major 19.1)

Teaching Objective 2:

Capability objectives. Through classroom learning, flipped classroom discussion and other methods to cultivate students' cognitive ability, emotional adjustment ability, self-control ability, interpersonal skills, psychological problem handling ability and so on. (Support the graduation requirements of this major 19.8)

Teaching Objective 3:

Knowledge objectives. Through teaching and various teaching links, students can understand the research object of psychology, the basic conditions of psychological occurrence, the development history of psychology, etc., and understand and master the laws of psychological process, such as cognition, emotion and will of psychology, as well as individual psychological characteristics and their laws. (Support the graduation requirements of this major 19.3)

Teaching Objective 4:

Ideological and political teaching objectives. With the rapid development of society, the value of psychology is more prominent, and the construction of a harmonious society needs the harmony of everyone. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly proposed to promote the construction of a healthy China. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the "healthy China 2030" planning outline, emphasizing the need to "promote mental health", increase the national mental health science popularization efforts, and improve mental health literacy. Through the course teaching, college students should not only study psychological knowledge and theory seriously, but also guide them to care for their own psychological development, be aware of their mental health status, adjust and solve problems timely and effectively, and avoid serious psychological diseases or malignant events. At the same time, it exerts a subtle influence on college students' outlook on life, values and world outlook, so that every college student can become a pillar of society with mental health. (Support the graduation requirements of this major 19.1)

II. Course Content, Requirements and Allocation of Class Hours

Serial Number

Contents of Teaching

Teaching Requirements

Class Hours

Ideological and Political Teaching Points



Chapter 1


Understand the brief history of Psychology

Get familiar with the research methods of psychology; the main schools of western psychological theory

Master the essence of psychology; the definition of psychology; the process of the establishment and development of scientific psychology.


In the concept of three-dimensional health, mental health cannot be ignored.

Interpret the outline of "Healthy China 2030".


Chapter 2

Sensation and Perception

Understand the physiological basis of sensory perception; the measurement of sensation

Get familiar with the definition of perception; the definition of observation and observation power

Master the basic law of perception; the quality of observation and the cultivation of observation ability



Chapter 3


Understand the classification of memories

Get familiar with strategies for improving memory

Mastering the Definition of Memory



Chapter 4


Understanding the form of thinking

Get familiar with classification of thinking

Master the definition of thinking; the characteristics, process and influencing factors of creative thinking; the methods of improving creative thinking



Chapter 5


Understand the structure of self-consciousness

Get familiar with self- consciousness theory

Master the definition of self-consciousness; the ways and influencing factors of self-awareness; the common problems in the development of self-awareness and the training path


Discuss “who am I?” to introduce "The key of whether a college student can have a reasonable self- orientation, view of life, values and world outlook is self-awareness."


Chapter 6

Emotions and Feelings

Understand the function, psychological mechanism and external performance of emotion and emotion

Get familiar with the connotation of EQ

Master the definition of emotion and emotion; the common emotional problems of college students and their debugging


Discuss EQ and introduce college students' consciousness of "emotional self-regulation", so that an excellent college student should be the master of emotions first.


Chapter 7


Understand the relationship between will and emotion

Get familiar with causes of frustration and self adjustment

Master the definition of will and will action; the cultivation path of College Students' will quality


Organize discussions about "people with goals running, people with no goals are wandering" to guide college students' life plans.


Chapter 8


Understanding dynamic psychological system

Get familiar with dynamic theory of mind

Master the need, motivation, interest and other concepts; Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory; the cultivation of College Students' learning motivation



Chapter 9


Understand types of capabilities; measurement methods of capabilities

Get familiar with the influence factor of ability; the theory of ability

Master the definition of ability; the cultivation of College Students' ability



Chapter 10


Understand the assessment method of personality

Get familiar with the formation of personality and its influencing factors; personality theory

Master the connotation of personality; the characteristics and shaping of College Students' sound personality


Guide college students to realize that healthy personality is the core of a person's health. The cultivation of personality is a systematic and three-dimensional project.



III. Teaching staff

The person in charge of this course should have a senior professional title. In principle, he must have graduated from psychology related major, have been engaged in teaching and scientific research of psychology or related majors, and have more than two years' teaching experience in related courses.

The teaching team of this course can be composed of 2-3 teachers. The teaching staff of the lecturer should be of reasonable age, graduate education level, and master the basic theory of system psychology or related disciplines, and have good research ability.

IV. Teaching Materials, Online Resources and Teaching Reference

1. Main Textbook

Psychology Application Tutorial ,  Li Quancai , Chen Shimin , China Mining University Press ,  2020.

2. Teaching References

[1] General Psychology (5th Edition), Peng Danling, published by Beijing Normal University, 2019.

[2] Gneral Psychology (4th Edition),Ye Yiqian, East China Normal University Press, 2010.

[3] Modern Psychology (3rd Edition), Zhang Chunxing, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2005.

[4] Introduction to Psychology, Huang Xiting, People's Education Press, 2007.

[5] https://www.icourse163.org/SPOCPsychology

[6] Network teaching resources: China Psychological Network, 525 Psychological Network

V. Teaching Organization

With the rapid development of society, the value of psychology is more prominent. Psychology not only pays attention to the individual's psychological activities and life, but also attaches importance to the spiritual communication between people. Through the study of this course, college students can master certain psychological knowledge, adjust their psychological state, enhance the ability to analyze and solve psychological problems, so as to better adapt to the society and establish a harmonious interpersonal relationship. As a result, this course has become a required course for college students.

The study of psychology is a process of self-awareness and self-improvement. Psychology is a science. To learn it well, learners should not only have a positive and open mind, but also have strong willpower and persistent self-study spirit.

Generally speaking, this course will take the syllabus and teaching calendar as the main line, take the students' learning needs as the foothold, guide teaching with questions, inspire thinking with interaction, and explain and solve doubts. This course will highlight the concept of interactive participation, dialogue and sharing between teachers and students, so that students from passive acceptance to active learning, pay more attention to the teaching process. Teaching in class and learning after class are combined. The main teacher prepares lessons carefully according to the syllabus and teaching calendar, and students preview the contents and read the teaching materials in advance according to the teaching calendar. On the basis of teaching basic knowledge, concepts and theories, highlight the key points and difficulties of each chapter, and pay more attention to training students' logical thinking ability while transferring knowledge.

Explore a variety of teaching methods and forms, such as teaching, discussion, flipped classroom, etc., to cultivate students' active learning ability, cooperation ability and communication ability. Classroom teaching is for all students, combing the basic system and outline of the course content, highlighting the ideas and methods of the course content, and emphasizing the key and difficult problems. At the same time, this course also provides online SPOC form to facilitate students' personalized learning needs.

In order to consolidate the knowledge and apply what has been learned, this course should arrange the homework for discussion in class and homework after class according to the needs of psychological development research of college students. Homework can be in the form of small papers, topic discussion, psychological investigation report, experience, etc. The teacher reviews all the students' homework and uses the class and network platform for feedback.

VI. Course Assessment

Process assessment (40%) + result assessment (60%).

1. Process assessment (40%)

The results of course process assessment can be composed of attendance, classroom study and discussion, homework, etc.

2. Result assessment (60%)

The result assessment of the course adopts open book examination.

VII. Explanation

This course standard has been used since 2021. All college students should learn basic psychological knowledge and theory. It is suggested that all colleges and universities should offer psychology courses.

After the application is approved by the dean of the college, the teaching standard shall be submitted to the dean of the college for examination and approval. The teaching quality standard of this course is implemented by the lecturer who undertakes the course.